10 Facts About Us!

Exciting things are happening at Be Beautiful recently; firstly we have recently reached over 100 Bloglovin followers which is a very exciting milestone for us, so if you haven't already there is a 'Bloglovin' button in our sidebar which will take you to where you can also follow us (we would really like it if you did!) 

Secondly we have the beginning of our #TeenBlogSeries posts which will all be happening every Monday at 6:30pm for the next 10 weeks. The series was set up by Anouska and Beth as a way to bring the teen blogging community together and we think this will be a great opportunity to showcase our tips as we have all nearly finished our teen years; 20 is looming in the distance! For today's post we are starting out with 10 facts about each of us, so you'll never again wonder where in the world is Becca? Or what would Emma do on this rainy Sunday afternoon?

1. My favourite pizza topping is pineapple, chicken and mozzarella and no one else likes it and you're all crazy.
2. Now I've talked about pizza I really want pizza.
3. I have just started a new course in fashion, design and textiles called Modefabriken in Malmö, Sweden. So far I absolutely love it.
4. I am unhealthily obsessed with ankle boots. I have 7 pairs.
5. I'm currently undergoing a 6 month clothing shopping ban; I'm 3ish months in and it is killing me. Especially since I've moved to a bigger town with SO MANY beautiful shops.
6. I'm one of those strange multicultural people as I am half English, quarter welsh, quarter Swedish, born in Denmark with a Scottish heritage and this confuses people... not surprisingly.
7. Yet, I've never been to Scotland. Made it to the other side of the world twice and dated a Scotsman but never ventured up a little bit into Scotland.
8. I have a need to put fairy lights everywhere (they just make everything better).
9. My all time favourite film is Notting Hill.

10. If I could have any pet I would have an elephant because they're so adorable and imagine riding that bad boy to uni/school/work. It might take some time to get around but it would be totally worth it because it's an elephant.

1. I am completely obsessed with TV shows, there isn't a time where I'm not currently watching a series. My favourites are Teen Wolf, American Horror Story and The Musketeers at the moment. They are ever changing because I watch so many! 
2. I love greek mythology.
3. My eyes change colour. Sometimes they're blue, then grey and maybe even green some days! Very weird.
4. I can't pin myself to a favourite film but both Dirty Dancing films, Pulp Fiction and every 80s flick is up there in the top contenders list.
5. Although I'm sure you're meant to buy more tops than anything else, I seem to only pick up trousers and jackets when shopping.
6. I won't go a day without wearing rings on my fingers. I absolutely love them and I feel lost without them. I even have a back up stash in my bag incase I forget to put them on in the mornings.
7. I like stories. I have to be reading a book, watching a film or TV show for the majority of my spare time. 
8. I have a varied music taste but my favourites are Arctic Monkeys, Royal Blood, Kasabian, Miles Kane, Fall Out Boy, Nirvana, Stone Roses and Foo Fighters. I'm mostly a 'one off' song kind of girl so I don't usually obsess over loads of songs by one artist.
9. I'm happiest when I'm at concerts or fun fairs. Anywhere with an amazing atmosphere really. I love being in the middle of everything with people around me having as good a time as me.
10. A can of beans was dropped on my head as a child so whenever I do something stupid, I blame that. 

1. I am beginning my training to become a Peadiatric Nurse
2. I am addicted to anything that tastes like peaches
3. I once was part of world record attempt to make the most pizzas simultaneously
4. Autumn is my favourite time of year
5. My dream job would be a personal stylist
6. I once met Binky from Made In Chelsea; I was very excited
7. My favourite breakfast food is mushrooms fried in garlic with thick toasted bread and parma ham
8. I am incredibly bossy!
9. I believe that sleep is the most important thing to helping you function properly; and you should always take a lie in when you have the opportunity
10. My biggest fears are sharks and open water

Do you feel like you know us a little better? 
Be sure to check #TeenBlogSeries on Twitter to see what the other bloggers have written and if you have also written a 10 Facts About Me post leave your link below; we would love to have a nosy around your page!
Also if you think you'd like to take part all the information can be found here on Anouska's page.


ArrayO'Style inc said...

Definitely relate to quite a lot of these points especially being multicultrual and not vising any of those countries! www.arrayostyle.blogspot.co.uk


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